- Project Code21/051
- ClientArax Properties
- LocationCity of London
- Size300,000 sq ft
- SectorCommercial Office
- StatusComplete

A significant retrofit refurbishment of 300,000 sqft bridging the City and Shoreditch.
A significant retrofit refurbishment of 300,000 sqft bridging the City and Shoreditch.
We provided comprehensive bid support during the acquisition of the ex-RBS building to support Arax in completing the purchase and showcasing its appeal as a key building of interest to occupy.
True to its name, Duo is (quite literally) being repositioned to face towards both Liverpool Street Station and Spitalfields Market by way of a stunning, dual-aspect building-wide reception. The space provides ample activation for the new collection of tenants and has been key to the building being almost entirely pre-let four months before completion.
The building’s dual personality continues throughout the office space where the design blends the typical exposed services of Shoreditch with the clean lines, plasterboard soffits and sunken lighting of The City.
A full floor has been dedicated to wellness, where both tenants and the public can benefit from the facilities, in addition to a market leading bike and shower facility.
A rearrangement of the top floors makes space for a unique meeting room on the western leading edge of the roof, as well as a large rooftop terrace commanding some of the best views of London.
The project completed in 2022.

“The floorplate design really leans into the Duo nature of the building, part exposed, part concealed. It really allows tenants of all natures to imagine themselves occupying the space.”
David Lynch

“Activating the formerly redundant space at the 'crown' of the building really marks the client team's intent to make this a market-leading building. The incoming tenant has maximised its potential to access both of the City facing private terraces.”
David lynch